Alok Ranjan

M.Tech Thesis CH

Installing GPU Driver

GPU driver and CUDA Toolkit Install GPU driver using GUI GPU driver can be installed via other methods too but this is the easiest. Go to “Software & Updates”, go to “...

Accessing HPC

Using Supercomputer In this section you will learn how to submit or run your calculations on HPC (Supercomputer) using WinSCP Install WinSCP Go to official Website of WinSCP and install on your com...

Simulation of C atoms in LAMMPS

Problem In this section we will try to simulate 500 atoms of carbon, in periodic(x,y,z) cubic box of dimentions 606060.Using LAMMPS code Disclaimer: Please dont rely on the accuracy of data...

IOT Project Wifi Temp Sensor

IOT Project Instructions to connect Wemos_D1_mini(esp8266) When on the same Network Create a hotspot from your phone/desktop, rename your hotspot as “QMEL_LAB” and set the password of your ho...

Post Processing of the thermodynamics data using python code

Post Processing There are lots of option available for analyzing the LAMMPS output data, out of many options few methods are illustrated here Using Python Script Plotting T,P,E,Rho Vs time Foll...

Generating Data file for LAMMPS

Data.Lammps Let’s create cyclohexylamine in a periodic box of dimensions 60*60*60 cubic angstrom. Step 01: Ligpargen Goto the Ligand parameter generator Ligpargen online server and draw molec...

Videos and Graphs

Videos Agglomeration Graphs


Prerequisite First thing first, all the instructions you will read here are specifically for Linux based systems (Ubuntu 22.04) Operating system: It is recommended to use the latest version of ...

Writing Input script for LAMMPS

Input.Lammps Requirements: To start with the following sections you need to have Lammps installed with following packages enabled: Copy of all option by running “ccmake ../cmake” in lammps/build...